CGS is diligently monitoring the current COVID-19 situation and is committed to being responsible and supportive while navigating these difficult times and keeping everyone's safety and well-being in mind.

Middle School

Round Square Day 2017-18
Round Square Day 2017-18...
National Mourning Day-2018
National Mourning Day-2018...
Middle ACP 2018-2019
Middle ACP 2018-2019...
Victory Day 2018
Victory Day 2018...
CGS RS In-house Conference 2018-2019
CGS RS In-house Conference 201...
ART Competition 2019
ART Competition 2019...
Annual Awards 2018-19
Annual Awards 2018-19...
Promotion Ceremony 2018-19
Promotion Ceremony 2018-19...
Parents Orientation 2019-20
Parents Orientation 2019-20...
Gratitude Day 2019
Gratitude Day 2019...
Science & IT Fair 2019-20
Science & IT Fair 2019-20...
Pitha Utshav-2019-20
Pitha Utshav-2019-20...
Duronto TV Show
Duronto TV Show...
Ekushe February (int. Mother Language Day)
Ekushe February (int. Mother L...
Career Counselling 2019-20
Career Counselling 2019-20...
Student-Parent Art Competition-2020
Student-Parent Art Competition...
Annual Athletics 2020
Annual Athletics 2020...